, Música de El Salvador, música salvadoreña, grupos de Rock, Pop, Jaz, Salsa, Hip Hop
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Strate, Guatemala


Descargar Freedom Riders
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Discografía: Crooked 2005


Teléfono: +502-24395290
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Barbara 24/02/2014 - 02:07:54 pm
Usually by this time of the year. I have my x-mas money put aside, and money for the higher witenr utilities. This year, I have not been able to save one dime. I know I can't make it through this witenr. My pension which was good when I retired, is no longer adequate. My income has been the same for over ten years. I have to sell everything and move to a province, where the cost of living is reasonable.This coming witenr, is going to be very grim for many BC family's. Too many young family's have to live on their credit cards. The hike in the carbon tax. Food costs up 20%. Gasoline through the roof. Hydro, I don't even want to think about. The HST, is the worst of all. However, as we know. Big businesses and the elite are bottomless pits of greed. Good luck trying to get them to pay their fair share. They all lined up at the trough, and squealed for the HST too. The corruption in this province, is too profound for the everyday citizen to cope with. It's wonderful for the people who live close to the U.S. border, Alberta or, many shop on line. People who are stuck in BC, should check out the underground co-ops, they can save a family a lot of money. You can pay $5.50 for a chicken, instead of $15.00 in the supermarket. There are kids clothing swaps. You can even buy school supplies on line, tax free. You can save on, house repairs, car repairs, hair cuts and many other necessities, through the underground. I refuse to buy anything, that has the HST applied. I will not support a corrupt, evil government.
Michal 24/02/2014 - 06:59:56 am
In case of Google, it allowed them to craete new product (Google Instant) which is significantly different from other products and is not possible to craete without very heavy work on performance (both front end as well as back-end infrastructure and even scalability).In case of Facebook, it allowed them to squeeze all the distraction away from users and help users keep them engaged like no other network (or website for that matter).Neither of those is possible without unprecedented attention to performance.
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