, Música de El Salvador, música salvadoreña, grupos de Rock, Pop, Jaz, Salsa, Hip Hop


La plaga negra promete ser pandemia

Domingo, 17 de Mayo de 2009
Portada del tercer disco de Dreamlore. 2009
Dreamlore es una de las bandas mas consolidadas en cuanto al death metal en nuestro pais y para este 2009 nos trae el nuevo material con mas agresividad y profesionalismo. Dejemos que su disquera nos de el respectivo review:


Este tercer trabajo, la banda muestra una madurez musical definida y orientada hacia el death metal melódico y brutal.

Este trabajo esta apoyo en al experiencia y calidad de personas como Colin Davis (Imperial Studios) y James Murphy. Luego de finalizar su más importante producción discográfica, DREAMLORE nos presenta su faceta más agresiva con la que intenta trascender nuevas fronteras. Sin duda, un CD que disfrutaras completo !

La banda nace en 2003 con la intención de crear música violenta combinando diferentes estilos de DEATH METAL con una fuerte influencia del THRASH METAL de la vieja escuela.

Su discografía previa consta de CD "Negative Specter" (2003) y el split CD de DREAMLORE / SYMBOLIC "The Artificial Acts of Madness" (Split 2006), Este CD split obtuvo grandes resñeas y comentarios en la escena underground de America y Europa Han participado en los principales festivales de metal en El Salvador y han tocado varias ocasiones en Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua.

Album Titulo: 'Black Plague Possessed'
Formato: CD
Estilo musical: Thrash / Death metal
Origen: El Salvador
Duración CD: 11 tracks (Más de 42 minutos)
Grabado en: Soundtrack Studio, El Salvador. Por Julio Rodas
Produccion de guitarras: James Murphy (Florida, USA)
Materizacion: Imperial Studios por Colin Davis, California (Vile, Deeds of Flesh...)
Diseño: Antonio Mirón
Arte: Tony Sandoval
Contacto / Entrevistas:
Web site:


1. Black Plague Possessed
2. Avatar of Misery
3. Silent Assassin
4. Eve of Armageddon
5. Entropy
6. Invoking the dead back to life
7. Mindslayer
8. Suicide Angel
9. Death by Corrosion
10. The enemy
11. Death omen



fitrah 29/09/2015 - 12:59:48 am

Info Review : Salah satu tips cepat hamil bayi perempuan adalah dengan berhubungan intim sekitar 3 hari sebelum masa ovulasi (masa di mana sel telur dilepaskan, siap untuk dibuahi). Info Kesehatan : Alasannya sederhana saja, sel sperma X (pembawa sifat perempuan) dapat bertahan hidup lebih lama dibandingkan sperma Y (pembawa sifat laki-laki), dengan kata lain saat tiba waktunya ovulasi, diharapkan sel sperma ini telah mati, sehingga yang sel sperma X lah yang berpeluang besar membuahi sel telur. Baca selengkapnya mengenai tips hamil lainnya di website dan Tips Untuk Penderita PCOS - Apakah anda sulit hamil? Sudah menikah bertahun-tahun tetapi belum juga mendapatkan keturunan? Waspadai PCOS atau Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome atau sindrom ovarium polikistik, yang mana penyakit ini merupakan gangguan hormonal yang dapat terjadi pada wanita, read more. Gejala-gejala yang tampak diantaranya: haid yang tidak teratur, obesitas, kulit wajah berminyak dan sering berjerawat parah. Jika timbul gejala seperti itu sebaiknya konsultasikan dengan dokter, dan baca selengkapnya di blog atau Situs Berita Informasi : Benarkah jika seseorang pernah mengalami keguguran tanpa kuret akan sulit hamil lagi? Besar  kemungkinan faktor penyebabnya bukan karena peristiwa keguguran itu sendiri, namun dari faktor kondisi fisik dan mental wanita tersebut pasca mengalami keguguran. Berbagi Informasi Lengkap : Sangat alami sekali saat wanita yang mengalami perisitiwa tersebut akan stress, berat badan turun drastis, down, tidak percaya diri bahwa dirinya akan bisa hamil lagi. Kondisi fisik dan mental tersebutlah yang membuat wanita akan sulit hamil, karena dengan kondisi seperti itu keberhasilan proses pembuahan akan sangat sulit dicapai.  Artikel mengenai tips untuk yang keguguran tanpa kuret dapat dibaca di atau di Info Berita : Ingin proses melahirkan anak anda berlangsung mudah dan lancar? Persiapkan sejak dini, dengan mempelajari cara senam hamil salah satunya. Selain bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran wanita di masa kehamilannya, senam kehamilan juga dapat membantu melancarkan proses persalinan buah hati anda. Info Tips : Salah satu gerakan senam hamil yang berguna untuk proses persalinan adalah latihan panggul. Gerakan senam panggul ini dapat melatih otot-otot panggul agar lebih kuat sehingga memiliki daya dorong yang kuat saat proses persalinan. Apa saja gerakan senam hamil agar bayi cepat masuk panggul? Cari tahu info selengkapnya di atau Makanan Sehat Ibu Hamil - Bagi anda dan pasangan yang belum dikaruniai anak, bisa mencoba tips alami cepat hamil berikut ini, yaitu dengan terapi jeruk nipis. Berbagi Informasi dan Pengalaman : Cara cepat hamil yang po[censurado]r dengan sebutan “Tips Hamil Ala Dewi Yul”,  ini konon berawal dari sekretaris dari artis Dewi Yul yang sudah beberapa kali hamil namun selalu mengalami keguguran, lalu Dewi Yul menyarankan untuk mela[censurado]an terapi jeruk nipis, yang katanya merupakan ramuan turun temurun nenek moyangnya. Info Kecantikan : Beberapa bulan setelah mela[censurado]an terapi ini akhirnya sekretaris tersebut berhasil hamil, bagaimana langkah-langkah terapi tersebut? Klik informasi selengkapnya di atau di

included1 14/09/2015 - 07:07:25 pm
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When we released the Swift language courses, received a lot of e-mail Nike Air Max 2012 Michael Kors Clutches and private Nike Blazers Low letters to ask New Basketball Shoes Nike Air Max 2011 Womenwhether they still need to learn C or Objective-C. In addition, Lebron Slide 2 Elite it seems, it is still confused Swift in the end for Kobe Bryant iOS development Michael Kors Shoulder Bags ecosystem in which parts. Through this article, I want to clear your doubts and will send you to the right learning track. I should learn C / Objective-C or direct school Swift? Swift is a new language, and Objective-C or C do not have any relationship. What I mean Nike Air Max 2011 is that they are Kevin Garnett Shoes programming Lebron James languages ​​and follow some basic concepts and examples, but you do not need to Kyrie Irving Nike Blazers learn before learning one another. Even if LeBron James Shoes you are new to programming, Nike Air Max 2011 Men you can also learn the Swift Apple released official do[censurado]ents without first learn Objective-C. I'm learning Objective-C, I should learn Swift into it? This is to try the case may be. If you learn iOS as a hobby or curiosity Nike Air Jordan 6 Women scholarship, then go to the Swift study on it. If you will be engaged in iOS development as occupation, then you have to know the outside at least one million applications are written using Objective-C, Swift has Nike Michael Kors Wallets Nike Air Jordan XX8 Zoom Kobe just released in 2014,Nike Zoom Hyperdunk so your future app development profession is still likely Use Objective-C. So you need to learn Objective-C to Michael Kors Satchels get a job, until Swift became Michael Kors Outlet the standard, which will probably take several years. While learning two languages ​​will also be good for Nike Air Foamposite One you. Your future boss might even let you come to existing Objective-C app to switch to the Swift. However, I have reservations about this point of view, because Air Jordan Outlet the most important part of an application is its function rather than the language it uses, thus rewriting the existing app approach Nike Basketball may not be po[censurado]r. I recommend that beginners choose Swift is Michael Kors Totes because it is a friendly language, and make it easy Michael Kors Accessories to learn thanks playground. Once you've learned the Swift, if the iOS development as occupation, then, for Nike Blazers High learning Objective-C also will be easier to understand. Finally, Swift is a modern language, if you learn Swift, it means 2015 Nike Free 5.0 also well prepared for the future, because a new generation Swift will be the language used by the application (including application on Apple Watch). Swift language Nike Air Max Apple gave everyone a gift. The world does not 5 years of experience Swift developer, but if you start learning now Swift, then after five years you will become one of the. My final suggestion is that no matter what language you choose to learn it and be proficient in it. Finally, you will find, as long as you learn iOS SDK, which language is not the most important. And after learning a language can easily start learning another door, the most critical is that from now on begin to learn. I should direct school Swift, or Objective-C?
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'Small but fine' Restaurant first of their audience targeting young man is 80, 90 after. Lebron James Hi Restaurant: I want three-dimensional hi up innovative restaurant reason business is hot, with current consumption trends and fashion trends related to consumers like the restaurant to meet most of their needs, resulting in a great spread of unrest Nike Free 4.0 V3 Potential. Ya net recently and playing new tricks, opened in Beijing China's Nike Air Max 90 JCRD Women first cross-border Broadwood Nike Free 4.0 V2 Men no cutlery Restaurant - Hey restaurant. This is the most elegant financed by net capital injection needed to shop, supply Nike Nike Air Griffey Max Air Max 90 Mid NO SEW Women of raw materials, offers cooking Cheats, distribution workers and other employees to become shareholders of shares, responsible for the daily operation and management, access to basic pay and benefits on normal, but also reap the benefits of a dividend new types of restaurant modes. Hey specialty restaurant dining utensils that no one, the second is cross-border, the third is live music. Hey 'LOHAS' concept restaurant Nike Blazers Nike Blazers High by LOHAS transliteration from, meaning in the form of health and self-sufficiency through life, emphasizing healthy, sustainable lifestyle; no cutlery restaurant, not a pair of chopsticks in the Hi Restaurant, a plate, diners enjoy dishes with bare hands clutching, no cutlery restaurant show a natural, healthy diet green leisure new attitude; hey restaurant is also for cross-border, it is a reversal of the traditional cuisine catering Nike Basketballbusiness, dining in the form of a fixed period of time, but integration of one hundred director, realized the four innovations: First, the 26-year high-end Nike Free Run Shoes Nike Air Max 90 Net Cloth Women restaurant food safety system successfully introduced fashion casual restaurant; the second is to break the time limit food consumption, create all day; Third, integration of self-service, coffee shop, American bars and other cross-border MIX restaurant; four is to create China's first no dining utensils Broadwood new formats. 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There are in allelic customers said they just colleagues birthday, to come here to celebrate the birthday specified, so after 4:30 executives agree they line up to come here. Why did you choose Lebron Slide 2 Elite to regard this restaurant, one of them white-collar workers represented here very comfortable seats, eat very homely, the most important is the price than similar restaurant is much cheaper. For example, near the southern city of Vientiane cook, with the ribs or a small fish and other dishes, many of his grandmother cheaper. Although they also know that some differences in quality, but the price system for civilians working family has a very big attraction. Decoration \u0026 gas field has Cheap Nike Free Outlet become a decisive factor in his grandmother, fishfinder, green tea, New Basketball Shoes fish stove, Zhejiang ceremony, Maxim sketch, Kam ceremony ...... I believe in the young food goods phone, circulated a list of dinner meeting place. It is not difficult to see Nike Air Jordan that these young people are respected meeting place nearly two years, a rising star in the local dining emerge. In addition to many consumers certainly the cost is outside, this type of restaurant decor often will become the talk of the diners, punk, retro, pirate style, theme, full of wind and make these style restaurants into fashion vision community, mash commercial cross-border becoming this type of restaurant signs of personality. A senior designers believe that 'small but fine' Restaurant first of their audience targeting is 80, 90 young people, it is necessary to understand after their spending habits and aesthetic renovation program will be presented. Edit: internal control small dill Jun Source: Dining boss internal reference
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ttesting76 24/07/2015 - 09:45:19 pm
User experience design gorgeous 6 Hot Tips you ever downloaded an application, but found it 'difficult to use'? For most smart phone users, the answer is yes. Interestingly, each of the four applications, there is a mobile phone application in the download after the 'limbo.' If an application is able to attract a person to download and open it, but this sideline, then we can almost conclude, or is this application really is not that they are looking for, or is it just too hard to use. The first reason is because generally attracted you to download information, such as descriptions, marketing materials and other applications. If you send the wrong signal, such information may require fine-tuning. The second reason comes down to user experience ... then let's talk about what the user experience is the user experience? How can we improve the user experience in order to increase the number of users to achieve higher revenue? Users determine your level of interest, there are many factors that application. First, let's talk about ... a design smartphone applications Source:. Chooake Wongwattanasilpa - tumblr Today, in addition to application downloads, and many other factors application developers need to focus on. Downloads are important, but they do not explain everything. 'Tracking Download often only measure of a successful application is the first step, and download statistics are often incomplete, will exaggerate high downloaded always looks very good, but if these users never open an application or use a few After the time to abandon it, then high download volume becomes a part of the high turnover rate '-. Localystics study you can track the user experience in your application. There are many ready-made mobile application analysis tools for you to use. Before your application landing App Store, we suggest you these tools into your application. To learn more, read our previous article, '10 of the most po[censurado]r application profiling tool.' We also recommend you to read another article about the phone software optimization articles. This article describes through A / B split test to screen design for a 'micro improvement' to improve your application's profitability (or user parti[censurado]tion). 2. The user interface and user experience design difference between? Source: Abzueedo - Cosmin Apitanu until now, most application developers do not really understand the difference between user interface design and user experience design between, so they will tend to mix them, or turn them into a process. Learn the difference between the two Air Jordan 19 is crucial, because they both through their own unique way to contribute to the overall development process. If two processes are not separated, so the result is often a poor user experience, which often leads to lower returns. Essentially, UI (user interface acronym in English) is the user and the application or software interaction. For example, when you look on the smartphone screen image (images, text, buttons, etc.), you're staring at the user interface. UI design should take into account all the possible options and functions, so that the user can interact with the software to maximize. However, this in itself is not intuitive overall scientific design. Simply put your application into all the possible functions of the screen does not give users a good experience. This is the user experience design arena. UX (user experience) is an extension UI, is a combination of art and science, through the design of the screen to make it easier to use, another perfect fit. 3. How to make the application more intuitive? Source: Abzueedo - Cosmin Apitanu indicative design: make an application to become intuitive, you can use a range of elements. One important one is indicative design. Perhaps the name speaks for itself. An application may consist of any element or text is used to indicate. Even a simple choice of words can make a big different is different. For example, Air Jordan 1 using the 'comment' instead of 'release' Users will have a huge impact on the understanding of a particular text. By using different colors, shapes, text, buttons, action buttons, etc., we hope to create a boot user experience is expected to make behavioral responses. When you first open the application, your users not just a time do not know how to use your application, but they can not determine if they need your application. So, your job is to ensure that the design of your application is through the use of color, text and icons manner in guidance and instructions, and to fully demonstrate the benefits of the application to the user. Figure: Application Design Instagram top cattle Instagram application development is designed as a beautiful, intuitive experience. You can learn from the creative idea of ​​such an application, or use them as guides to good practice. 'We have been shamelessly stealing great ideas.' - Steve Jobs Familiarity: Another important factor is the 'sense of familiarity.' Use the familiar icon, shape text, buttons will enhance the user experience, this design eliminates the use of some speculation trouble. Figure: Application Design Fancy Fancy uses a lot of features that most people are familiar with. This design can avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. Finally, the tour really do not need too unique. Clarity is king. Beautiful design: Use the correct color or graphics in your design can also experience a huge impact on users. A beautiful design will usually get a higher involvement and ... an ugly application (sorry, Ciqiong). At the same time, you need to be careful not to sacrifice the instructions elegant design and intuitive. For example, Audible is a design 'pretty' applications. One day I was recommended to download the application. But after opening the application, I can not find what I'm looking for any. I can not find the registration section, because it is hidden in the settings page. I can not find my existing audiobooks, because they did not properly synchronized. I even can not find the search more online audiobooks search bar. In other words, I was totally confused ...... Figure: Audible application design I spent 15 minutes (on my way to work) is trying to figure out the design, almost Nike Shox gave up. These are a very understanding guy application designed. In fact, just do some minor adjustments can greatly improve the user experience. Simple design: It is a very powerful technique. Simply speaking, minimalist design is to simplify and to remove interference. Those who make the screen clutter by removing options, text and other elements, we can make a clean and easy to use design. 'A cluttered work space for your mind chaos.' 4. How to develop an intuitive application design? Source: Eddie Lobanovskiy - Dribble in the design of the screen when the first thought should be your target audience. Designed as Nike Basketball a complete non-technical applications are often designed for people who need a little more 'guidance.' Similarly, if you are a wide range of users to develop applications, you also need to do so. Because to take care of many non-technical users. The function / features of the application is divided into the following categories: 1. Core functions 2. Other po[censurado]r choice 3. Your objective (purchase within the application, Facebook sharing, etc.) 4 relatively unpo[censurado]r option (privacy settings, etc.). The core function (1) on the first priority, and to ensure that they are in the most prominent place. Then around the design of the other po[censurado]r option (2). Secondly, the use of a po[censurado]r navigation frame is always right. Use the familiar framework of other navigation applications can make your applications easier to use, such as Instagram. After that, make your Nike Air Max goals (3) arranged around the core functionality. Users rarely look for Facebook Share Shop button or within the application, so you need to put these features designed to be very convenient. Finally, the relatively unpo[censurado]r option (4) hidden out of the way, do not let these options prejudice to the more important functions. 5. Users scene when all screens are put together, run a number of user scenarios is a good test. The purpose of this test is to design your application into the real scene. For example, if you are developing a cl[censurado]camera application, the camera is the core function (1) is one. Thus, a particular user may be a user from the scene (a) open the application until (b) take a photograph of the process, and in between each step. Figure: Windows Development Center when all the scenes are like this unfold, determine which features less important it becomes easier, then you can consider removing the feature, or simply move it to the screen less important area. Even exiled to another screen! 6. User Test - must not be less step Source: YouEye At this point, we need to implement a commonly called 'absurd and the huge amount of user testing.' Spot the difference of age, gender, interests, etc. testers to test your application. They can be 10 of your closest friends, girlfriends, family members. Let them give you feedback all the ideas and opinions. All the negative comments are meaningful. You do not need to overly generous aunt there to hear, 'Oh, what a wonderful little ideas,' such useless evaluation. What you need is 'your application is really sucks, because one ... two ... three ....' Your users Nike Shoes suffered considerable setbacks can be converted into a constructive Air Jordan Women experience. So be sure to tell you very clearly testers, all you need is a lot of negative feedback. Conclusion customer first. In the design of your application fully into account the needs of users. Application is not only beautiful, but also practical. 'Good design is designed to experience the service.' - Apple, IOS7 original source: Original title: 6 Hot Tips For App Developers Designing A Magnificent User Experience Original Address: http: //www.buzinga. Source: http: //
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